This online intensive training course aims to professionally develop individual teacher knowledge and skills of selected evidence-based teaching and learning strategies with high effect sizes, that will lead to improvements in the quality of teaching performance and student learning outcomes. It is offered through a learning management system that depends on a self-learning approach, where the individual attendee learns by himself through moving a page by page, which includes recorded videos, readings (book-chapters, research publications), reading assessments, applications (critique reports, lesson plans), surveys, and finally watching a micro-teaching video of instruction included these strategies presented in this training course.
Program Topics
- Direct Instruction Strategy
- Study Skills Strategy
- Concept Mapping Strategy
- Reciprocal Teaching Strategy
Training Course Duration: 5 hours through 10 days
Zaid Al Shammari, Ph.D
Associate Professor of CI-SPED, College of Education, Kuwait University.
UCL Honorary Associate Professor, AY 2019-24.
Harvard CAEL (Driving Change), AY 2018.
Chair and Developer, AMLO System:
Chair, MTMM Academy for Teacher Professional Development:
My Profile in ResearchGate: link
My Profile in Academia: link
My Profile Google: link
Mobile: +965-99034522